
How can we help you!

We have wonderful pets waiting for a home. We also have a placement list of animals that have not made it to the web page yet. To make an appointment to see a particular animal contact us and let us know how we can help you find your next perfect pet! or call the HUMANE SOCIETY OF ROWAN COUNTY, 704-636-5700 – Please leave a message and someone WILL return your call!


If your little fur baby could use a few manners, we recommend you contact Dog Training Instructor Glenn Sherrill at 704-433-7929. Salisbury Parks & Recreation also has classes at different times throughout the year, 704-638-5275.


Consider the benefits of spaying and neutering your pets: 

  1. Stops male cats from spraying
  2. Decreases the possibility of mammary tumors
  3. Increase life expectancy
  4. Eliminates problems of cancer of the uterus 
  5. Reduces the risk of prostate problems and testicular tumors. 

Help stop the unnecessary killing and abandonment of unwanted cats and dogs.